
Showing posts from December, 2010

Enrique Iglesias - Tonight download I know you want me I made it obvious that I want you too So put it on me Let's remove the space between me and you Now rock your body Damn I like the way that you move So give it to me Cause I already know what you wanna do Here's the situation Been to every nation Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do You know my motivation Give in my reputation Please excuse I don't mean to be rude But tonight I'm loving you Oh you know That tonight I'm loving you Oh you know That tonight I'm loving you You’re so damn pretty If I had a type than baby it’d be you I know your ready If I never lied, than baby you’d be the truth Here’s the situation Been to every nation Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do You know my motivation Given my reputation Please excuse I don’t mean to be rude Enrique Iglesias Tonight lyrics found o...

Victoria's Secret - Alessandra ambrosio [HD] hot Sexy Download Join Us On Facebook

Victoria's Secret - Alessandra Ambrosio Sexy Commercial [HD] Join Us On Facebook

Victoria'a Secret - 2011 Commercial (by Michael Bay) [HD] Download Join Us On Facebook

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ادانة الرئيس الاسرائيلي السابق كاتساف بتهمتي اغتصاب

ادانة الرئيس الاسرائيلي السابق كاتساف بتهمتي اغتصاب الخميس, 30 ديسيمبر 2010 Related Nodes:  Israel's former President, Katsav, gestures as he enters the Tel Aviv تل ابيب - ا ف ب - ادين الرئيس الاسرائيلي السابق موشيه كاتساف الخميس بتهمتي اغتصاب في ختام محاكمة استمرت اكثر من اربع سنوات قال خلالها انه تعرض لحملة "تشهير" علنية. وادانت محكمة منطقة تل ابيب كاتساف (65 عاما) بتهمي اغتصاب ازاء موظفة سابقة عندما كان وزيرا للسياحة في تسعينيات القرن الماضي. كما ادين بالقيام بعملين غير لائقين احدهما مع اللجوء الى القوة بالاضافة الى التحرش الجنسي بحق ثلاث موظفات في وزارة السياحة ومن ثم في الرئاسة بعد انتخابه في العام 2000. وادين ايضا بعرقلة القضاء. وهو يواجه امكان الحكم عليه بالسجن بين ثمانية وستة عشر عاما، ومن المقرر ان يصدر الحكم في كانون الثاني/يناير. واعلن رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو في بيان "انه يوم حزين لدولة اسرائيل ومواطنيها الا ان المحكمة وجهت اليوم رسالتين في غاية الوضوح حول تساوي الجميع امام القانون وحول الحق الكامل لكل امراة بالتصرف ...

إيمان البحر درويش "مش ندمان"

إيمان البحر درويش "مش ندمان" أحمد عدلي من القاهرة GMT 6:50:00 2010 الجمعة 31 ديسمبر    بمناسبة طرحه لألبومه الجديد "مش ندمان" عقد الفنان إيمان البحر درويش مؤتمرًا صحفيًا للحديث عنه. القاهرة: بعد غياب 10 سنوات عن سوق الكاسيت طرح الفنان، إيمان البحر درويش، ألبومه الجديد "مش ندمان"، حيث عقد مؤتمرًا صحفيًا بهذه المناسبة داخل فندق "ماريوت" بوسط القاهرة وحضر معه الموسيقار خالد فؤاد، والشاعر فوزي إبراهيم، الذين جلسوا إلى جواره طوال المؤتمر. وغاب عن المؤتمر منير الوسيمي نقيب الموسيقيين، ولم يحضر أي من الفنانين لمشاركة إيمان إطلاق الألبوم، واقتصر المؤتمر على عدد قليل من الصحافيين الذين حضروا، ودارت الأسئلة حول أسباب غيابه عن الساحة الفنيَّة طوال هذه السنوات. وردًّا على سؤال لـ"إيلاف" حول عدم تعاونه مع الصحافيين، برر إيمان ذلك بأنَّ الصحافة تنشر عنه عناوين وأخبار خاطئة، مشيرًا إلى أنَّه لا يريد من الصحافيين سوى أن يكتبوا الحقي...

阿玛尼为Lady Gaga打造渔网装 揭开视觉诱惑季

阿玛尼为Lady Gaga打造渔网装 揭开视觉诱惑季 下一组: 41岁孟庭苇穿绝美服装化身20岁纯真少女 ( 14 张) 1/ 13     Lady Gaga又推陈出新了;不过这次不是在服装上下文章,而是从头顶上——如果你以为她这次又换了个奇异的帽子或是头饰,那你就错了。5月5日晚,《美国偶 像》(American Idol)迎来了一位重量级表演嘉宾——Lady Gaga。阿玛尼此前曾为Gaga设计了出席格莱美颁奖仪式和时装学院盛典的礼服。 “美国偶像这个节目对公众有着巨大的影响。为了符合Lady Gaga的风格,设计师最大限度得自由发挥想象力,那是一件梦幻般的时装。” 设计师将蕾丝、水晶和喷珠镶嵌在这件丝网紧身衣上,配上丝纱披肩和黑色细高跟靴。 而Gaga当晚的演出服则是出自GIORGIO ARMANI之手。也许很难以想象,如此惊世骇俗前卫夸张的Lady Gaga竟然也会穿Armani这样如此经典如此传统的时装老牌,她穿Alexander McQueen、穿John Galliano、穿Hussein Chalayan、穿Antonio Barnard,似乎就明摆着顺理成章。而事实证明,今年的格莱美颁奖典礼、时装学院庆典 (Costume Institute''s Gala),Lady Gaga穿着Armani老人家特别设计的服装,别有一番风情。     早前还在穿这内衣内裤和蕾丝装出街的Lady Gaga,最近又大玩渔网,整体的造型感觉就像是将她最爱的渔网袜放大了两倍穿在了身上一样。 Join Us On Facebook

红毯横飞“肉色”潮 直击戛纳女星透视装

红毯横飞“肉色”潮 直击戛纳女星透视装 下一组: 范冰冰别致裸色Elie Saab礼服难挡后背“赘肉” ( 9 张) 1/ 20     第63届戛纳电影节正在法国热火朝天的举行,女星们的穿衣打扮很自然就成为了大家的关注重点。或许是冬天刚过的原 因,女星们因为追逐潮流“透视”和“裸色”等原因而导致自己的赘肉逐一浮出水面了。主竞赛单元《巡演》戛纳电影节首映,朱丽叶-安塔拉-姆兹(Julie Atlas Muz)透视露臀装风骚无边。范冰冰身着Elie Saab高级定制长裙将她的完美身材展现得淋漓尽致,雪白酥胸诱惑人心。Elie Saab的设计一直深受好莱坞明星及贵族皇室欢迎,范冰冰成为中国内地首位穿着该品牌礼服的女星。仔细观察范冰冰的玉背,性感女神居然也有赘肉,看来冰冰 该抓紧塑身啦。     主竞赛单元《巡演》戛纳电影节首映,朱丽叶-安塔拉-姆兹(Julie Atlas Muz)透视露臀装风骚无边。 Join Us On Facebook

潮流狂野从头来 女星玩转夜店发型

潮流狂野从头来 女星玩转夜店发型 2010年12月31日 08:46 瑞丽美容网 【 大 中 小 】 【 打印 】 共有评论 0 条 明星同样有夜生活,而且还会很丰富多彩。时尚独特又不失星味的夜店发型,自然是女星们的最爱!来看看,哪些发型最适合夜店party吧! angelababy angelababy 属于轻熟女的party,一定要做这个浪漫的大卷发,像angelababy这样既性感又不失年轻。 霍思燕 霍思燕 柔顺的长卷发,使霍思燕散发轻熟女的韵味,很吸引人。 Join Us On Facebook

国剧盛典奖项提前揭晓 “媳妇”“婆婆”双赢

国剧盛典奖项提前揭晓 “媳妇”“婆婆”双赢 2010年12月31日09:30      来源: 《扬子晚报》      留言  0  条      手机看新闻 柏寒 海清 今晚19:30,中国最新锐最盛大的电视剧盘点——国剧盛典将在安徽卫视璀璨揭幕,这是今年跨年之夜唯一的电视剧盛典,2010大剧盘点,哪部名著能完胜收官之役?2010片酬翻涨的电视巨星,最终谁能笑傲国剧盛典,名利双收? 2010女星红运当头,《媳妇的美好时代》和《鲜花朵朵》收视一路飘红,大获好评,使得海清成为最炙手可热的国剧盛典最佳女主角候选人之一。同时,在 《张小五的春天》中成功塑造女版“许三多”、掀起一股都市平民偶像热的闫妮,以及在《婚姻保卫战》中突破自己、赢得良好观众缘的袁立夺奖呼声也是居高不 下。此外,颇受都市白领热捧的电视剧《杜拉拉升职记》、《和空姐在一起的日子》、《大女当嫁》让“职场白骨精”的王珞丹、姚晨、小宋佳名气大增,成功入围 最佳女主角提名,而大S虽作品平平,却凭年底的婚恋系列剧,人气串升,谁是2010年最佳女主角,还真的是难分秋色。最终,海清劲压姚晨、大S、闫妮、王 珞丹,凭着观众和网友票选力挺,在国剧盛典上“封后”。 当晚,没有出席国剧盛典的柏寒老师,成为最感动人心的获奖者,她凭借《媳妇的美好时代》中外冷内热的婆婆形象征服观众,获得2010年度最佳女配角奖,可惜她因患肿瘤正在治愈休养中,未能亲自出席领奖。当“儿子”黄海波代柏寒登台领奖时, 主持人 拨 通了柏寒老师的电话,黄海波连喊两声“妈”,柏寒连忙答应,并赶紧向观众道歉,同时大方回应有关她患癌的各种传闻,“我现在家中休养,首先为不能出席向观 众说声对不起,其次我感谢大家对我的支持,给我颁发这个奖,感谢《媳妇的美好时代》带给我这样一个角色,那是个伟大的婆婆,虽然婆婆妈妈,但她具有中国女 性的美德,节省,含辛茹苦……”那一刻,台上台下异常地安静,有人还听出了泪花。 新版《红楼梦》收官之战只获得最佳新人和最佳制片人 两个奖项。新版《三国》不仅赢得最佳导演和最佳编剧等重要奖项,曾备受争议的曹操扮演者陈建斌,也在国剧盛典上有所斩获。...

“厌食症”模特去世 回顾旧照警惕病态瘦不是美

2010年12月31日 10:28 凤凰网时尚 【 大 中 小 】 【 打印 】 共有评论 0 条 当地时间2010年12月30日,著名的厌食症模特伊莎贝尔-卡罗(Isabelle Caro)去世,年仅28岁。身高有1.65米,体重却只有30公斤左右。 “厌食症”模特去世 伊莎贝尔-卡罗是一名喜剧演员,早年因家庭变故而患上厌食症。 在2007年的米兰时装周登场的同时,一幅以伊莎贝尔-卡罗为主角的拒绝厌食症标题的广告牌在意大利各地林立,同时也在当地各大媒体曝光,触目惊心的广告引发相当大的争议。 <<上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页>> 版权声明:来源凤凰网时尚频道的所有文字、图片和音视频资料,版权均属凤凰网所有,任何媒体、网站或个人未经本网协议授权不得转载、链接、转贴或以其他方 式复制发布/发表。已经本网协议授权的媒体、网站,在下载使用时必须注明"稿件来源:凤凰网时尚",违者本网将依法追究责任。 特别策划:寻找中国人的信仰 欢迎订阅凤凰网时尚电子杂志《摩登周刊》 手机上网,首选手机凤凰网! Join Us On Facebook

Natalie Portman: Engaged and Pregnant!

Natalie Portman: Engaged and Pregnant! Making for a double dose of excitement, Natalie Portman is not only engaged to Benjamin Millepied, but the pair are also expecting their first child together! According to People magazine, the "Star Wars" beauty and her choreographer fiance will be welcoming a bundle of joy at an undisclosed date in 2011. Miss Portman and Mr Millepied first met as they began production on the set of the recently released movie "Black Swan". As a result of the role about a ballerina, Natalie and her co-stars have racked up numerous awards nominations including Best Movie bids at the upcoming SAG Awards and Golden Globes. Join Us On Facebook

Ryan Phillippe Talks Reese Witherspoon’s Engagement

Ryan Phillippe Talks Reese Witherspoon’s Engagement He was married to Reese Witherspoon for seven years during which they had two kids, but Ryan Phillippe isn’t pining over the news that his ex is now engaged to another man. The “Anti Trust” actor shared his happiness over the news during a recent interview with the Daily News. Ryan gushed, “I’m very happy for both Reese and Jim. I wish nothing but the best for the mother of my children.” In a past interview, Phillippe noted that he’s not concerned about the effect Reese’s love life has on their kids. "If the kids care about mom dad, and if that's consistent and they feel protected that way, they don't really care so much about who the parent is dating. They just don't." Join Us On Facebook

Chris Brown’s Twitter Exchange with Raz-B

Chris Brown’s Twitter Exchange with Raz-B His struggle with anger is well-known, and Chris Brown showed that he’s not through the woods just yet during a cranky exchange of tweets with Raz-B. The former B2K singer got the “Kiss Kiss” hitmaker riled up with his first tweet, saying, "Im just sittin here Thinking how can n---- like @ebenet [Eric Benet] and @chrisbrown disrespect women as Intelligent as Halle Berry, Rihanna." And that was all it took- Chris launched into a racial and homophobic rant against Raz-B, including talking about his past of being molested. Raz shot back, “I luv (sic) how u resort 2 disrespectful low brow tactics when u clearly sabotaged ur (sic) own career by beating women!” To which Brown replied, "When I need tips on how to demolish my career I'll call ya!!!!!" Meanwhile, Chris has since defended his choice of words from accusations of homophobic tendencies, tweeting, "LOVE ALL MY SUPPORTERS and people who know...

Kate Gosselin's Pre-Australia Pampering

Kate Gosselin's Pre-Australia Pampering Fitting in a little last-minute pampering, Kate Gosselin was spotted at her local Planet Nails & Tan in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania on Wednesday (December 29). The TLC reality star mom popped into the strip mall locale to touch up her color before rounding up her brood and joining bodyguard Steve Neild on a trip to the Land Down Under. According to Radar Online, Gosselin and family will be ringing in the New Year in Australia while also visiting New Zealand as TLC crews capture all of the action. Radar's insider dished, "Kate and the kids flew-out just before midnight last night in what will be a staggered trip to Australia and New Zealand. Obviously, Jon was informed of the excursion and the kids will not see their father again until mid-January when they return to America with their mom." The source added, "They will be filming for Kate Plus 8 and the kids are excited about visiting both Australia a...

Braided Kim Kardashian's Boot Camp Morning

Braided Kim Kardashian's Boot Camp Morning Back out for another day-starting fitness session, Kim Kardashian was spotted out at the local gym in Los Angeles, CA on Thursday (December 30). Showcasing an interesting hairstyle, the E! reality babe was clad in a black bodysuit as she passed by paparazzi upon finishing off the morning workout. Always one to keep her fans informed of her doings, Kim tweeted of the training efforts, "Bootcamp time!!!" The outing comes just a few days after Miss Kardashian made headlines for shooting a video for her debut album with the help of Kanye West - with the footage being shot by legendary hip-hop video director Hype Williams. Join Us On Facebook

Charlie Sheen Laughs Off Death Rumors

Charlie Sheen Laughs Off Death Rumors One of the targets of tasteless rumors recently hitting the web, Charlie Sheen has responded to claims that he died in a snowboarding accident over the past weekend. With numerous other celebs including Owen Wilson facing similar false stories, Sheen told The Insider, "When I heard on the news that I had died the other day, I quickly ran to my PC and checked the ratings for my show." The oft-troubled "Two and a Half Men" star continued, "Hmmm … that's odd, all the numbers appeared solid. Perhaps even up a bit." Brushing the ridiculous rumors off, Charlie finished by saying, "You can only imagine my relief when I discovered shortly afterward that they were referring to my actual literal death. That I can survive. I then quickly called my Mom." Join Us On Facebook

Paris Hilton: Cabo Bikini Beach Bliss

Paris Hilton: Cabo Bikini Beach Bliss Having headed south of the border for the holidays, Paris Hilton was all about the beach while out in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on Thursday (December 30). Looking fabulous in a white bikini, the hotel heiress was joined by boyfriend Cy Waits as the pair took to the sandy shoreline outside of the Casa Dorada Hotel for a PDA-filled sun n' surf session. Tweeting her happiness, Miss Hilton wrote, "Another beautiful day in Cabo, Mexico. Having the best time! Is everyone excited for New Years Eve?" The previous day, the 29-year-old tweeted of the trip, “Had so much a great day. Worked out, then went on the horseback ride on the beach. Just finished a romantic dinner. I love Cabo! Is everyone excited for New Years Eve?” Hollywood Gossip   Share   0 Enjoy the pictures of Paris Hilton in a white hot bikini while with her boyfriend Cy Waits in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge): ...

Kourtney and Scott Step Out After Airport Pap Clash

Kourtney and Scott Step Out After Airport Pap Clash Making the most of their first full day in the sunshine state, Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick were spotted making their way around Miami, FL on Thursday (December 30). The E! reality couple had a relaxing stroll around the posh Bal Harbour shops along the water, going into a handful of stores including Chanel before stopping off for a relaxing lunch. In town to host a New Year's Eve bash at the Gansevoort hotel on Friday night, Scott's experience upon landing at Miami Int'l Airport wasn't the greatest of times. Getting into a spat with photogs in the terminal, Disick shouted, “How close can you get?? … stand back, you f***ing idiot." Trying to regain his composure, Scott then said, “I mean he’s this f***ing close to my kid man.” Speaking out on the heated encounter, Kourtney wrote on her blog today, “Paparazzi beware. Please don’t get too close to Mason. We don’t like it. Stay at a fr...

Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz: St. Barts Lovers

Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz: St. Barts Lovers Joining the many stars in the ritzy locale, Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz teamed up for a romantic walk in St Barts on Thursday (December 30). The recently married pair ventured the streets for a bout of shopping at places such as Louis Vuitton while holding hands with one another. Aside from their New Year's getaway, Alicia recently collaborated with rapper Eve for new track titled "Speechless" - as she introduced the tune via Twitter this week. She wrote, "Speechless is a little freestyle treat 4 the holidays. It's not a new album, not a single it's something special 4 U! My gift to you ... a little song about my lil guy ;-) love to you....let's make 2011 incredible!!!" Join Us On Facebook

Denise Richards: Poolside with the Girls

Denise Richards: Poolside with the Girls Spending the holidays in tropical paradise, Denise Richards was spotted enjoying a morning of relaxation by the pool at her Hawaiian hotel on Thursday (December 30). Situated in Maui, the E! reality star mom was joined by adorable daughters Sam and Lola while soaking up the sun in a bikini top and jean shorts. The family trip over New Year's comes as Miss Richards was recently outed as dating rocker Nikki Sixx. While Nikki is currently vacationing in Mexico, a source tells of the pair, "They are still taking it slow but having a great time together. They aren't going to be together for New Year's, but of course they will talk the whole time and see each other right when they get back!" Join Us On Facebook

John Mellencamp and Wife File for Divorce

John Mellencamp and Wife File for Divorce While the typical Tinseltown divorce comes within the first few years, John Mellencamp is reportedly calling it quits with his wife of 20 years. The "Born In the USA" rocker and his model wife Elaine Mellencamp have announced their decision to part ways - though the pair opted to keep details to themselves. A just-released statement from a spokesperson tells that the Mellencamps “are proud of their 20 years together and are very happy with their accomplishments both as parents and as a family.” The split comes after John and Elaine married back in 1992 while also being parents to two sons. Join Us On Facebook

Miley Cyrus: Urth Caffe Cutie

Miley Cyrus: Urth Caffe Cutie Keeping a low profile as of late, Miley Cyrus ventured out for coffee with friends at Urth Caffe in West Hollywood, CA on Thursday (December 30). Wearing jean shorts, a long necklace and cowboy boots, the Disney darling picked up her java jumpstart before proceeding forth with the day. As for the upcoming New Year's holiday, Miley dished, "I'm really looking forward to 2011. I've got some new ideas, I want to go on some cool trips, I want to travel, I want to make this the year that I go out and do what I'm here to do, and that's to help people and make people happy." Miss Cyrus also hinted that she may fit a tour into the schedule so she can "come see [her] fans." Join Us On Facebook

Ke$ha & Nicki Minaj Gear Up for NYE in NYC

Ke$ha & Nicki Minaj Gear Up for NYE in NYC Getting ready for a big weekend, Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj were both spotted on their way to a rehearsal session for their upcoming New Year's Eve performance in New York City on Thursday night (December 30). Uniquely dressed in a gray and green fur coat, black leggings and aviator sunglasses, the "We R Who We R" singer was escorted by security staffers for the holiday gig's practice efforts while the "Pink Friday" songstress did her best to avoid contact with the on-hand shutterbugs. Meanwhile, Ke$ha has enjoyed a spectacular year in 2010 - as she topped Billboard charts in seven categories including Top New Artist, Top Hot 100 Song with ‘Tik Tok’, Top Hot 100 Artist, Top Digital Songs Artist, Top Digital Song with ‘Tik Tok’, Top Canadian Hot 100 Artist and Top Pop Songs Artist. As for overall Billboard successes, the top five are as follows: 1. Lady Gaga 2. Taylor Swift 3. Eminem 4. Lady An...

Snooki's "Jersey Shore" New Year's Eve Plans

Snooki's "Jersey Shore" New Year's Eve Plans While she was originally going to be in Times Square for New Year’s Eve, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi will be back on the Jersey Shore instead. The reality TV star will be featured in a Times Square-esque type ball and will be lowered as planned at the stroke of midnight. "We love our Times Square home and while we're disappointed there won't be a Snooki ball drop there, she cannot be denied!" MTV said in a statement confirming the move. "So we're taking a road trip to the place where it all began, Seaside Heights, and droppin' it all there." MTV's "New Year's Bash 2011" will air live on MTV and MTV2 Friday beginning at 10:30 p.m. and will feature a look at the upcoming season of "Jersey Shore." Join Us On Facebook

Tucker Carlson On Michael Vick, Chris Brown Twitter Blast Talk Of Town

Tucker Carlson On Michael Vick, Chris Brown Twitter Blast Talk Of Town More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit Tucker Carlson and Chris Brown scored the "Worst Person Awards" today. Tucker Carlson, the Conservative Editor of The Daily Caller and fill in for Fox News Sean Hannity got it for saying Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick should have been executed for his role in a dog fighting business. Chris Brown overtook Tucker for his Twitter-based, gay-oriented, homophobic rant where he blasted rapper RazB2K for tweeting this : razb2k Skype me RazB2K Im just sittin here Thinking how can niggas like @ebenet & @ChrisBrown disrespect women as Intelligent as @HalleBerry11 @Rihanna11 hours ago But rather than ignore the tweet and leave well enough alone, Chris Brown, apparently still with raw nerves about the Rihanna issue, had to chime in with a thug life tweet blast of his own. This one: @razb2k nig...

Chris Brown, Raz-B: What's the Twitter-fight back story?

Chris Brown, Raz-B: What's the Twitter-fight back story? December 30, 2010 |  12:34 pm Chris Brown and Raz-B got into it on Twitter on Wednesday, with the former B2K boy-band singer taking the first swing with a slam at Brown and Eric Benet about Rihanna and Halle Berry , respectively, and Brown fighting back with crude references to Raz-B and gay sex. Brown, 21, has issued an apology, TMZ reported Thursday, saying that he loves all his fans, gay and straight, and that the spat "was an unfortunate lack in judgment sparked by public Twitter attacks from Raz B, who was bent on getting attention.  Words cannot begin to express how sorry and frustrated I am over what transpired publicly on Twitter." Now, Brown's assault on Rihanna has been splashed all over the mainstream, but what about Raz-B's back story? It is a years-long drama involving allegations of abuse and accusations of lying. In 2007, the "Bump Bump Bump" singer (real name DeMario Thornto...

Facebook Holds Commanding Lead In Search

Facebook Holds Commanding Lead In Search The social network held four of the top 10 terms searched in 2010 and recorded more site visits than any other Web property, reported Experian Hitwise. By W. David Gardner ,  InformationWeek Aral1k 30, 2010 01:25 PM (click image for larger view) Slideshow: Flock Browses All Your Social Connections The Facebook juggernaut just keeps on rolling, passing Google and Yahoo in search last summer, and by the end of the year running up a commanding lead that seems unsurpassable, according to Experian Hitwise's report on Internet searches for 2010. The online market research firm found that Facebook Web sites captured four of the top 10 most-searched terms in 2010. Another online metric service, ComScore, reported earlier that Facebook passed Yahoo for the first time in July and overtook Google later that summer. "When combined, common search terms -- e.g., facebook and -- for Facebook accounted for 3.48% of all searches in ...

Tea Party's Miller weighs options in Alaska Senate fight

Tea Party's Miller weighs options in Alaska Senate fight   Republican Joe Miller has waged a lengthy legal fight for one of Alaska's two U.S. Senate seats. CAPTION By Chris Miller, AP What will Joe Miller do? The Republican Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite is holding a news conference on New Year's Eve to decide what's next for him in the Alaska Senate race. OK, so Sen. Lisa Murkowski has already declared herself the winner and a federal judge has thrown out Miller's lawsuit about Murkowski's write-in campaign. Plus, Gov. Sean Parnell is expected to certify Murkowski the winner sometime today. But Miller's spokesman Randy DeSoto says his boss is weighing his options, including whether to appeal the federal ruling or take his legal fight to state court. Miller's news conference is scheduled for 2 p.m. Alaska time on Friday. Murkowski plans to take her oath of office on Wednesday, when the 112th Congress convenes. Join Us On Facebook

NI swine flu cases have 'more than doubled'

NI swine flu cases have 'more than doubled' Cases of H1N1 infection have more than doubled The number of swine flu cases in Northern Ireland has more than doubled in the past week. The Public Health Agency said those eligible for the H1N1 vaccine should see their doctor as soon as possible. Official data shows the number of cases has more than doubled from 56 to 129 But BBC Northern Ireland Health Correspondent Marie Louise Connolly said that, judging by last year's statistics, the real figure is probably a lot higher. According to the Public Health Agency there has been an increase in all flu activity, including those with respiratory problems. The classic flu symptoms are a sudden fever, headache, muscle aches, a dry cough and sore throat. The average duration of infection is between 10 and 14 days. 'Significant rise' Marie Louise Connolly said that hospitals were starting to feel the pressure. There were 26 trolley waits at the Belfast's City Hospit...

Skype Unveils IPhone Video Calling Over 3G and Wi-Fi

Skype Unveils IPhone Video Calling Over 3G and Wi-Fi Skype Adds Video-over-3G Capabilities to Its IPhone App Video Calling Hits Skype for iPhone Skype Video Calling Over 3G Coming Soon to iPhone? Sneak Peek at Skype for iPhone, Available Tuesday Skype Outage: What You Need to Know Skype on iPhone: Does it Save Money? With Skype 3.0, you can place video calls from Skype on the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and 4th-generation iPod touch, and you can receive video calls on the iPad and the 3rd-generation iPod touch. Video calling works over both Wi-Fi and 3G, Skype says. On iOS devices with two cameras, you can stream video from either. iPhone 3GS users, of course, can only stream video from that device's sole rear-facing camera. You can use the Skype app to place calls to other folks using the app, or to folks using Skype on their computers. As it did before, the Skype app continues to offer instant messaging, text messaging, audio-only chats, and the ability to call landlines and mo...

Jim Tressel: Five suspended Ohio State players will not go to NFL early

Jim Tressel: Five suspended Ohio State players will not go to NFL early The five Ohio State players suspended by the NCAA will return for their senior years . Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel said Thursday the quintet would not have been allowed to play in the Sugar Bowl next week without pledging to return. Ohio State coach Jim Tressel speaks to the media as the school announces the suspensions of five players. CAPTION By Terry Gilliam, AP Tressel said he told the players they "have to make any decision based on the future and (going to the) NFL prior to us leaving for our bowl game. … It wouldn't be fair if someone was able to participate" and then leave for the draft to avoid the suspension. Terrelle Pryor, Dan Herron, DeVier Posey, Mike Adams and Solomon Thomas will miss the first five games of the 2011 season after breaking NCAA rules by selling personal items and receiving extra benefits. The five players all apologized for their actions earlier this week before lea...

Swedish, Danish Courts Hold Suspected Terrorists

   (Adds Detail)    By Charles Duxbury    Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES STOCKHOLM (Dow Jones)--Courts in both Denmark and Sweden Thursday ruled to detain the men accused of planning a terrorist attack on the Copenhagen office of Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten while state prosecutors build their cases against the suspects. A district court in Glostrup, near Copenhagen, decided to hold three men, named in the Swedish press as Swedish citizens Munir Awad, 29, and Omar Abdalla Aboelazm, 30, and Tunisian citizen and resident of Sweden Mounir Ben Mohamed Dhahri, 44, for four weeks earlier Thursday. Meanwhile in Sollentuna, on the edge of Stockholm, Attunda district court granted Chief Prosecutor Tomas Lindstrand's request to hold 37 year-old Sahbi Zalouti until charges are brought January 13. All four detainees are suspected of "preparing terrorist crimes" while the three men held in Denmark are also suspected of illegal possession of a weapon. "The investigat...

Chris Brown, Raz-B In Bitter Twitter Feud Over Rihanna

Chris Brown, Raz-B In Bitter Twitter Feud Over Rihanna Former B2K member and Brown trade angry comments about homophobia and domestic violence. By Gil Kaufman Text Size Decrease Increase Chris Brown recently posted proof that he had completed a year-long domestic violence course as part of his sentence for assaulting Rihanna. But despite getting glowing reviews from the judge in his case, Brown proved this week that he can still get a bit hot under the collar when it comes to certain subjects. According to reports, on Wednesday, the "Deuces" singer got charged up when former B2K singer Raz-B tweeted a comment critical of Brown. After posting a dozen messages declaring his admiration of Rihanna, he wrote of her ex, "I'm just sittin here thinking how can n---as like [Eric Benet] and [Chris Brown] disrespect women as intelligent as Halle Berry, Rihanna." Brown quickly shot back, tweeting , "N---a you want attention! Grow up n---a!!! Di-- in da booty as...

Haley Barbour praised by NAACP for sisters' release

One organ donation expert said Barbour was wrong. "This is clearly a violation of federal law, which prohibits the exchange of 'valuable consideration' in return for an organ," Dr. Michael Shapiro, chairman of the ethics committee for the United Network for Organ Sharing, said in a statement. Shapiro said commutation of a prison sentence would "clearly" fall into the category of "valuable consideration" under the law. Barbour said the Mississippi Parole Board has accepted his advice that the Scott sisters "should be granted an indefinite suspension of sentence, which is tantamount to parole." Barbour caught flak last week for telling The Weekly Standard that while growing up during the 1960s in Yazoo City, Miss., as many Southern cities were torn apart over race relations, that he didn't "remember it being that bad." In the same magazine profile, he also endorsed the actions of the white Citizens Council in his hometown...

Rattner Settles With New York State

Rattner Settles With New York State By Maria Woehr 12/30/10 - 01:33 PM EST Add Comment   NEW YORK ( TheStreet ) -- Quadrangle Group's Steven Rattner will pay $10 million to settle two lawsuits filed by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. More on Financial Services Expect Foreclosures to Spike, Bank Failures Ebb in 2011 Citi Employee Arrested in Indian Probe: Report MBIA's Shares Surge After Banks Drop Suit As part of the settlement, Rattner also will be banned from appearing in any capacity before any public pension fund within New York for five years, according to the press release on the attorney general's Web site. The lawsuits filed by Cuomo, the New York governor-elect, revolved around a kickback scheme for Quadrangle to manage $150 million in investments from the New York State Common Retirement Fund. In November, Rattner settled a related case with the Securities and Exchange Commission . He agreed to pay $6.2 million to the SEC and also agreed to refr...

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Isabelle Caro perdió su lucha contra la anorexia

Isabelle Caro perdió su lucha contra la anorexia Dedicó su vida a luchar contra una enfermedad que acabó con ella "Si no utilizO para algo positivo mi sufrimiento todo habrá sido inútil"   Isabelle se hizo famosa con una polémica campaña contra la anorexia. Vídeo: Informativos Telecinco Una vida contra la anorexia Muere la modelo anoréxica Isabelle Caro (29.12.10) Anorexia sobre la pasarela Anorexia: una enfermedad sin sexo (04.11.10) ¿Hay cura para la anorexia? (10.05.10) La modelo y actriz francesa, de 28 años de edad, saltó a la fama por posar desnuda para el fotógrafo Oliviero Toscani. Muchos la criticaron, ella afirmó que aceptó para alertar a las jóvenes sobre el peligro de las dietas, de los dictados de la moda y de la anorexia. Fue un ejemplo más de su lucha contra una enfermedad que le terminó venciendo. En entrevistas posteriores a la polémica campaña, que recoge la página web, Isabelle reconoció que cuando se tomaron las fotos sólo pensaba 31...